Wednesday, May 25, 2016

My Plexus Journey

I've been on my plexus journey for 4 weeks and here is how it's been going.

Week 1 of my Plexus Journey
When I started out I just wanted to get healthy from the inside out. I had no idea exactly what to expect. Prior to starting Plexus my back pain had flared up from an old injury. As a matter of fact I have an MRI scheduled for Friday that I am cancelling! I had been moody, tired and craving unhealthy food. Today as I sit and think about how I've been feeling these last 7 days, these are the changes that I've noticed:
1. I have not had that feeling of shooting leg pain and back aches at the end of the day that had recently become my norm. 
2. I've had less cravings for sugar, in fact today I threw out my stash of candy (left over Easter candy I had hidden). Everyday at 3:30 I'd rush to the pantry and grab a few jelly beans or kisses or starburst and gobble them up while the kids were napping. 
3. I'm drinking half my weight in water each day and based on the number of times I have to use the restroom I know that before I started this journey I was not drinking the amount of water that I should have been.
4. Before Plexus I was ready for a nap before my 4 year old! This week he stopped taking a nap and I didn't miss it, I had enough energy to continue my day and to keep up with him! 
5. I'm down 6 lbs! I need to take my measurements so I can start tracking that!  

I know Plexus works differently in everyone's body so not everyone will see these exact changes. I have been to the gym a few times to take advantage of the hot tubs to help bring relief to my back and I attended 1 class of a very slow form of Yoga Yin that has helped me stretch my body, however I haven't had any hardcore workouts during these last 7 days. 

So thankful for this pink drink that is making my life and the lives of my family even better!! 

Week 2 of my Plexus Journey:

This week things continued to go well I'm still experiencing increased energy, relief from my back pain, and I've stopped "needing" to have my morning cup of coffee! Last Friday instead of going for an MRI for my back pain my husband and I had a much needed date night. 

I'm continuing to drink half my weight (or more) in water each and every day. I still haven't done much to alter my eating habits other than trying to incorporate more fruits and veggies and trying to limit my fast food. 

I'm really feeling such a big difference in just how I feel each day, I'm able to do more with my boys and feel good that I'm making those steps to take my health back! 
#PoweredByPlexus #MyPlexusJourney

Week 3 of my Plexus Journey
This week, my hubby has been traveling and honestly when he travels I don't eat as well as I should. I try hard to continue to up my veggie and fruit intake but with a teething baby and a crazy 4 year old it's difficult. I honestly had reheated spaghetti or a chicken salad sandwich and a plate full of veggies most days.

I wasn't sure what to expect on the scale but I was pleasantly surprised when I got on the scale today. I've reached my pre baby #2 weight!! This is huge since I never fully got to my pre pregnancy weight with my first even after almost 3 years. I still haven't taken my measurements but I'm sure I've lost inches as today I wore a pair of blue shorts that I haven't worn since before I became pregnant with baby #2. 

I've stopped buying my favorite k-cup coffees because I just don't like the taste of the coffee I used to love. On Friday I ordered pizza as a treat for making it the week on my own with the boys and I seriously normally eat three slices of pizza and this time I barely finished one slice of pizza!! That is incredible to me because I was hungry but I felt full with the one slice. 

I still feel my energy level is way up and I haven't had the numbing shooting pains in my legs from my back issues. I even was able to have a great workout yesterday with no issues with my back. I remember dreading going out in the afternoon with my boys because of the pain in my back, I didn't want to have to carry my baby or the baby and carrier anywhere and hurt my back even more, now I go out with my boys without thinking about any pain. 

Plexus has given me so much already just in the way my body feels and I'm so thankful that God lead my hubby to say "lets do this together! " I can't wait to share Plexus with some friends on Saturday at my Launch Party!! If you'd like more information on Plexus and it's products I'd be happy to share information with you. 

#PoweredByPlexus #MyPlexusJourney #Healthy4myfam


4 weeks on Plexus Slim
I never expected everything that Plexus has done for me. When I decided to try plexus I had hope, hope that this would help me take control of my health, but I had no idea how. Plexus has given me so much in so little time. From energy to be able to go the entire day without needing a nap (or a cup or cups of coffee), without needing a break, easing my pain in my back so that I could live my life again, and most importantly it has given me control over my food. I know it sounds crazy but I crave healthy food now, coffee, soda, chips, chocolate, candy no longer call my name when I'm emotional or during those afternoon lows. It's amazing how maintaining your sugar levels will help you stay on track and help you make healthier choices. Oh and the side benefit is that I am loosing weight!! I now weigh less than I did pre pregnancy! This amazes me because this is the lowest I've weighed in a little more than 4 years. Even when I was eating healthy and going to the gym 3-4 times a week I couldn't loose the weight. I can't wait to continue to share #MyPlexusJourney #Healthy4MyFam #PinkDrinkandMove 

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