My little guys hands were to big for the box so I knew I had to use his fingerprints. So I searched on Pinterest for "finger print Father's Day art." Lots of great ideas popped up but I loved the tree idea the most. I had some acrylic outdoor paint left over from another project so I used food coloring to dye it two shades of green and used a brown sharpie to make the trunk.
My little guy was insisting on painting his whole hand & even his foot so I had to work fast! Plus the paint with food coloring was probably not the best idea because it stained his hands but I didn't want to go buy more supplies so we made it work.
I'm adding a picture inside and lining the bottom with felt so hubby can use it to keep his wedding ring inside the box. I think it turned out pretty nice.
I added three hearts at the bottom and wrote "I love you poppa" on the sides of the box using a silver sharpie.
I really liked the box, I need to go by the clearance section again and see if they have any more left. I want one too!! :)
I hope you are enjoying making a crafty project for the special dad I your life.